Our Philosophy: Individual. Community. Responsiveness. Creativity. Flexibility. Diversity. Choice & Self-Direction.
Collaborative Skill Management is a Supported Living Program that empowers and serves adults with developmental disabilities to achieve their hopes and goals- by providing innovative services that improve their skills and ability to live fulfilling lives in the community.
Collaborative Skill Management Program is available to adults over 18 years of age who has been diagnosed with developmental and intellectual disability. Also, for individuals who are already living independently or transitioning into independent living and require life skill support to function successfully in the community. Our services are based upon the individual needs of the Individuals we serve.
Collaborative Skill Management believes the individuals we serve have the right to make responsible and informed decisions consistent with the choice afforded to non-disabled citizens. These decisions include within attainable means, living in homes and neighborhoods of their choice with persons of their choosing. These settings and life styles will allow the Individuals we support to pursue their own interests, express their individuality, and actively participate in their communities. To exercise these rights, Individuals with developmental disabilities may need unique individualized support, coaching and assistance that Collaborative Skill Management (CSM) is happy to provide.